Originally hailing from Rosario, Argentina, I embarked on a transformative journey in 2017, relocating to Samara, Costa Rica. With a robust background in sales spanning back to 2011, I transitioned into the dynamic realm of Costa Rican real estate in 2023, eager to embark on a new chapter in my career. What truly fuels my professional endeavors is my passion for connecting with people. I thrive on engaging in meaningful conversations, delving into their family histories, and understanding their dreams and aspirations for property ownership. This genuine interest allows me to forge authentic relationships and guide clients toward their perfect real estate match with empathy and insight.
Beyond the realm of work, I find solace and inspiration in the simple joys of life. Whether riding the waves of Costa Rica's pristine beaches, experimenting with new flavors in the kitchen, or expressing my creativity through various artistic mediums, I am continually invigorated by the rich tapestry of experiences that life has to offer. Driven by a deep-seated commitment to excellence and fueled by my unwavering passion for human connection, I am dedicated to making a positive impact both professionally and within the vibrant community that I am proud to call home.